Thursday, January 22, 2015

Elective Lottery Meeting for 3rd year students

This past week, we had an elective lottery meeting for the current 3rd year medical students as they begin to think about their 4th year medical school curriculum and schedules. It reminded me a little bit of a 'Fantasy Football' Draft in the sense that students get a # and are able to pick their 4th year electives based on that (only the ones that fill up quickly and are in high demand). I sensed there were some nervous students in the room about this process. Rest assured that regardless of how high or low your lottery number may be, you will be able to get the schedule that will prepare you for your residency application come the Fall. A few tips I mentioned at the meeting:

1. Start thinking about what specialty you may be interested in. Hopefully this is something you've been thinking about the last 3 years of medical school, but it's OK if you aren't sure yet what specialty is the 'right one.' It's probably a good idea by this time (second half of 3rd year) to try to narrow it down to 2 or 3 specialties. Talk to your advisers, clinical faculty, and others to try and get the information you need to make a decision. The AAMC website ( which all Upstate students should have an account it will give a lot more information and data on the various specialty choices out there.

2. Start talking to the Specialty advisers in the fields you are interested in ( There are designated folks in each specialty, who are familiar with the residency process, that can help you and guide you through this. How many AIs to take, whether it is important to do away rotations,etc. Here's a FAQ that may answer some of these questions: (

3. If you are thinking about doing 'Away' rotations (electives at other institutions) start researching them online for deadline for application, dates of their rotations, etc. VSAS is the AAMC tool that many away schools use, so get familiar with that as well. The dates of away rotations may or may not match our school's so pick your aways according.

4. I mentioned this at the meeting, but if you are curious about your competitiveness for a specialty, what each specialty is looking for in a student (eg. how important is Step 1, Research, Extracurricular, etc), there is a survey of program directors in every specialty that gets at this. This document is another one I would look at ( for more info.

5. Lastly, Relax! As I mentioned, Upstate students have been matching at excellent programs in various specialties each year, and you will get there as well! Do your homework, talk to the right people (4th year students who have gone through the process are great resources!) and you will be fine.

I know it's a scary process, but rest assured you will all get there. Match Day is coming up for the current MS3 class and Match Day 2016 will be here before you know it!

Dr Ko

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